How exquisite the dappling, how sweet the waving leaves?

Grass and ferns are up close, with sprinklings of yellow flowers. In the distance is a tall tree and Puget Sound. A deer makes their way to a low-tide outcropping of rocks.

Looking out at Puget Sound. Notice the deer in the distance making their way to a low-tide outcropping of rocks.

I’d love to know - how are you Dear One? How is your heart, as we sink our roots deep into this summer season? Are you finding time and space for what your body and spirit long for - be it rest, play, popsicles, learning, late nights, grief, community engagement, joy, silliness, what-have-you?


If you can take a moment to find a window, what do you see outside? How are the plants and animals? What color is the sky, and what shape are the clouds? Just how exquisitely does the light dapple through the trees, while their leaves wave sweetly in your direction?


Of course, there’s no pressure or expectation that you are doing and/or can answer any of the above! Just some wonderings, and invitations to bring attention to your very own life and the life-web that we’re held within, when and if you can (ever so gently).

For me, this has been a busy, beautiful time. I’ve recently guided nature connection sessions for grieving young people at Dougy Center; offered Forest Therapy for groups and individuals; led a sweet Rise Up Rooted gathering; and held sacred space for grievers and their grief. All of this work is an honor and privilege to be part of.

I’m so grateful for all of these spaces of beauty and love, especially in a world that can offer so little of both, to so many. And so much gratitude for the wonderful people, like you, that are called to these practices and possibilities - to these sites of connection and shared healing. I do truly love to hear how you are and what’s happening in your life. Please reach out anytime, or come join me in the forest <3


Tree messages (thunder, lightning and owl too)


May We Be a Forest For Each Other